
What is Spring Roo?



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  • 运行 roo.bat 进入到roo shell,就可以一步一步的按照提示进行了。(这个做得不错,居然没有文档,也可以按照提示进行操作)
这里吧 roo 支持的命令一一列出来,各位看官可以对 roo 的功能有一个初步的了解:

* */ - End of block comment
* /* - Start of block comment
* // - Inline comment markers
* ; - Inline comment markers
* add dependency - Adds a new dependency to the Maven project object model (POM)
* add field boolean - Adds a private boolean field to an existing Java source file
* add field date jdk - Adds a private date field to an existing Java source file
* add field date jpa - Adds a private JPA-specific date field to an existing Java source file
* add field email template - insert a MailTemplate field into an existing type
* add field number - Adds a private numeric field to an existing Java source file
* add field reference jpa - Adds a private reference field to an existing Java source file (ie the 'many' side of a many-to-one)
* add field set jpa - Adds a private Set field to an existing Java source file (ie the 'one' side of a many-to-one)
* add field string - Adds a private string field to an existing Java source file
* configure email template - configure a template for a SimpleMailMessage
* configure logging - Configure logging in your project
* database properties - Shows database configuration details
* database remove - Removes a particular database property
* database set - Changes a particular database property
* date - Displays the local date and time
* development mode - Switches the system into development mode (greater diagnostic information)
* exit - Exits the shell
* generate class file - Creates a new Java source file in any project path
* help - Shows system help
* hint - Provides step-by-step hints and context-sensitive guidance
* insert field - Inserts a private field into the specified file
* install email provider - Install a Email provider in your project
* install finder - Install finders in the given target (must be an entity)
* install jms - Install a JMS provider in your project
* install security - Install Spring Security into your project
* install web flow - Install Spring Web Flow configuration artifacts into your project
* list finders for - List all finders for a given target (must be an entity
* metadata for id - Shows detailed information about the metadata item
* metadata for type - Shows detailed metadata for the indicated type
* metadata summary - Shows statistics on the metadata system
* metadata trace - Traces metadata event delivery notifications (0=none, 1=some, 2=all)
* new controller automatic - Create a new automatic Controller (ie where we maintain CRUD automatically)
* new controller manual - Create a new manual Controller (ie where you write the methods)
* new dod - Creates a new data on demand for the specified entity
* new integration test - Creates a new data on demand for the specified entity
* new java file - Creates a new Java source file in SRC_MAIN_JAVA
* new mock test - Creates a mock test for the specified entity
* new persistent class jpa - Creates a new JPA persistent entity in SRC_MAIN_JAVA
* new selenium test - Creates a new Selenium test for a particular controller
* new test file - Creates a new Java source file in SRC_TEST_JAVA
* property file details - Shows the details of a particular properties file
* property file remove - Removes a particular properties file property
* property file set - Changes a particular properties file property
* props - Shows the shell's properties
* quit - Exits the shell
* remove dependency - Removes an existing dependency from the Maven project object model (POM)
* script - Parses the specified resource file and executes its commands
* update jpa - Update the JPA persistence provider in your project
* version - Displays shell version

** Type 'hint' (without the quotes) and hit ENTER for step-by-step guidance **

1、Roo的 TAB  做的真是很好,TAB在Bash中有一定的帮助作用,但仅限于有限的文件名自动完成,而Roo的命令行自动完成有点接近于IDE中的代码自动完成了。
2、Hint 做得也真好,居然,在没有文档和帮助的情况下,我可以(近乎)熟练的操作一个命令行工具。要记得,当初我学习Unix还是花了些功夫的。


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